Friday, December 31, 2010

What Is Vitiligo And Its Causes

In medical terminology white spots appearing on the skin is a kind of skin disorder in which the pigments have become malfunctioning to maintain the color of the skin is called either Vitiligo or Leucoderma/Vitiligo is not a contagious disease. It is also relatively known as common skin disorders having effected approximately between 1 and 2 percent of the world population. This can be affected at any age but the research confirms that it can appear before the age of 20. Generally they are known as inherited disease.
It is also associated with autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism and Addison’s disease. It can also appear on the scalp affecting the color of hair turning grey or leaving white patches or streaks. In some cases, wounds that heal from the skin injury may leave de-pigmentation causing Vitiligo to that injured area.
They are very common to those people suffering from the deficiency of adrenocortical or in the form of autoimmune disorder. This insufficient production of hormone namely corticosteroid level has effected to the standard requirements of color maintenance changed the skin into white patches. In such cases most of the Doctors advise to apply corticosteriod cream to the effected areas.
This kind of disease is known centuries back and there is treatment like a long duration to expose in sun or ultra violet rays stimulating melanocytes cell may turn the effected skin into tan or brown color but the curable surety could not be countable as the skin may turn again to white patches.
A limited amount of sun exposure is beneficial to the skin. Acne often improves with the ultra violet rays. Acne   is known as one of the skin disorders usually affects the face, neck, shoulder, chest and back. It begins under the layer of skins in glands next to the hair follicles. Some Doctors may advise to use their medicines (creams or oils, in the early days some medicinal plants like Bavchi powder mixed with water) applications before the sun exposures. Research although proves that cells belonging to the pigmentation may become activated and the functioning of melanin becomes normal. In United States application of Psoralen phtotchemotherapy (Psoralen and ultraviolet) is one of the most effective treatment.
One of the research advances toward transplantation or skin grafting of melanocytes (skin layer) from one part of the body to the effected area found to be completely curable to those suffering from Vitiligo or Leucoderma. In case of small area affected Vitiligo patient may go for surgical treatment by punching biopsy specimen from a pigmented donor to a de-pigmented Vitiligo patient.
In some cases, there is skin abnormalities causing the skin color defected to lighter or darker shades and they are importantly similar symptoms which require immediate attention and consultation with the concern Dermatologist before using any kind of treatment. Widespread Vitiligo is also advisable to diagnose with PUVA treatment.
Dermatologist may prescribe topical treatments for Vitiligo, acne and eczemas as well as oral applications (pills or tablets) if so require incase of severe or chronic condition.
To diagnose Vitiligo is a long term treatment and it may take between 3 and 4 months. However, the duration of vitligo treatment can not be counted against the size of effected areas on the skin. Some widespread Vitiligo may respond very fast or a few white patches may prolong to quite some longer period in their healing process. Therefore, the results of treatment are largely dependent on how severe the case is. It is also important to distinguish between the Vitiligo and skin burns before the diagnose as well as to get the laboratory test to confirm the exact cause.

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